Wednesday 20 February 2013

7-day training plan

7-day training plan – by BikeRight! director Jo Somerset who is also a member of Team Glow women’s cycling initiative
Easy ride 5miles to station, concentrate on cadence, the flow of a Glow. Take time to meditate on the joy of cycling. One and a half hours rest, working on train preparing for meeting. Arrive at destination calm and prepared, practice navigation skills cycling 2 miles through snow & slush in unfamiliar city.

Timed ride to station. Intervals between traffic lights. Sprint varying distances, increase in intensity for last 75yards if light ahead still green, ease off if red.

Normal riding -12 miles total. Weather endurance- falling snow & headwind for 3 miles in morning, heavy rain for 5 miles at night riding back from dinner with friends.
Rest day. Slump in car, just talk about cycling, don't do it. Stretching yoga & early night.
Speed day – 5-miledash, all traffic lights synchronized, late for train. (My fault for pressing my alarm clock’s snooze button 3 times). Use extended sprint skills learnt from years of rapid pedaling to after-school club.

Recovery ride -5 miles stopping and starting around the neighbourhood. Training with weights:take large panniers and fill them to the brim with weekend shopping
Cross training day - run on Chorlton Ees. Upper body and back suppleness training while chopping vegetables, hanging washing, ironing, supplemented by sprints up and down stairs. Optional core balance and strength training depending on how many armfuls of washing there are to carry.
Repeat cycles of intervals, sprints, easy riding, recovery, weights and cross training in any combination as it fits into your schedule. If you miss a day, DON'T try and make it up another day, just carry on. Repeat ad infinitum until Christmas or summer holidays, or for some lucky ones amongst us, the thrill of cycling in Mallorca or in a sportive. Optional strength training is on offer at Oxford Road station, who haven’t heard of the Disability Discrimination Act, so you get to carry your bike up and down stairs(then again at a run when they frequently announce a change of platform just as the train is coming in).

Nutrition -porridge and fruit every morning. Sandwich, home-made soup or leftovers at lunch. Full meal in evening with meat/fish/veggie concoction, spuds/pasta/grains, and veg. Lots of water. Tea on tap, 2-3 cups of coffee (4-5 if work is particularly stressful). Alcohol of choice at weekend and / or when socialising. Bacon butties, pancakes or other treats according to whim.
Happy cycling!

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